1 min read

TED Tuesdays: Capitalism Isn't An Ideology - It's An Operating System

TED Tuesdays: Capitalism Isn't An Ideology - It's An Operating System

By definition, an ideology is rigid, structured and generally immovable. Operating Systems by contrast, are constantly evolving software interfaces that adapt and improve with consistent upgrades.

Economist and Author Bhu Srinivasan argues in this TED Talk that Capitalism is less like an ideology, and more like an operating system. This deft examination of the past, present and future of the Free Market through the lens of technology is fascinating.

Srinivasan is concerned about the coming identity crisis for the United States if we fail to inject flexibility into our understanding of capitalism. Are we prepared to make the necessary upgrades to our Capitalistic system to ensure a stable future?

Listen to this engaging TED Talk, recording in October 2017, at TEDNYC to hear Bhu's compelling argument for a pliable approach to Capitalism in the new centruy.


Speaker : Bhu Srinivasan

Bhu Srinivasan writes about economics, history and statecraft. He had a front-row seat to the Internet Boom as the founder of a venture-backed startup in news aggregation. His debut book "American: A 400-Year History of American Capitalism" explores the intersection of democracy and capitalism and was selected by The Economist as one of it's Best Books of 2017.

About TED Tuesdays

Much of the success that Business Solution Partners enjoys can be directly attributed to the insatiable drive of our consultants to learn and grow through continuing education. To stay abreast of the latest developments in business and finance, we look to though-leaders, mentors and disruptors that are shaping the future of industry. TED talks are an amazing resource that we want to share with you, our clients and friends. Come back to our blog every Tuesday for another phenomenal video from the world's brightest minds in finance and business.

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